Compare data on topics of your choice by community. Simply choose a topic below.
Using the dashboard below you can compare data by civic indicators, by community. Simply choose a community or a few (up to 5). Keep in mind, some regional data will not be present on these dashboards, so make sure to look at the Data Download page for specific metrics.
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You can embed a dashboard in your own site, send it as a link, or post it to social media.
Click icon at bottom of each data table to download
This data is available for download as an image, a PDF, or a Tableau workbook.
Raw Data Download
Query the exact data you’re looking for using our searchable database. Download the information you need to an Excel spreadsheet. Not everyone has a black belt in Microsoft Excel, but if you have SUM skills, you can simply download the raw data you are looking for and have at it.
View by Topic
Looking for statistics and data regarding a particular issue? Our Topic Dashboards allow you to compare data points across municipalities, counties, and the region using interactive data visualizations. These dashboards can be customized, downloaded, and even embedded into your own site