COVID-19 in the Pioneer Valley: Measuring the Impact So We Can Build Back Better
The COVID-19 worldwide pandemic has had a devastating impact on the physical and mental health of people throughout the world, including here in Western Massachusetts and nationwide. The impact of the pandemic goes well beyond its health impacts (documented regionally here by the Public Health Institute of Western MA), however.
The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, in partnership with the Pioneer Valley Data Collaborative, is preparing several COVID-19 Recovery Dashboards, to inform the residents, leaders, and policy-makers of the Pioneer Valley of the ongoing challenges created by, or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic recession. A series of thematic presentations—focusing on impacts on education, regional businesses, child care, mental health, food, hunger, and our social safety nets—will provide insights that will guide efforts to build a robust, equitable economy that enables our residents and communities to thrive.